QGIS Tool highlight: Package Layers
Have you ever found yourself spending countless hours digitizing historical data from map scans or creating an extensive geology sampling program, only to end up with a cluttered QGIS project filled with numerous separate vector files? If so, we have the perfect solution for you! Introducing "Package Layers," a powerful geospatial tool that comes included with QGIS. In this post, we will explore how Package Layers can rescue you from the chaos and simplify your geospatial projects.
Note: You can even combine multiple vector types (Point/Line/Polygon) into the one .gpkg
Search the QGIS Processing Toolbox for Package Layers
Select the input layers you’d like to compile
Tick “Save layer styles into Geopackage” - This will allow you to retain all the styling you have thus assigned when brining the .gpkg into another QGIS project
Set your .gpkg destination
That’s it!